- MA in economics from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
- B.Sc. in Economics and Management from Mogadishu University.
Mr. Farhan works as a lecturer for the faculty of economics at SIMAD University, he obtained a Master of Arts in Economics from Osmania University. He is experienced in the field of economics after severs years of hard work. He is competent in the use of various statistical software. He is Highly motivated and able to exercise independent judgment in achieving the core objectives, vision, and mission of any organization. He has the experience to exert all his efforts to attain operational goals.
Research Area
- Livestock Production
- Natural Resources
- Environmental Economics
- Climate Change Issues
Teaching Courses
- Macroeconomics
- Microeconomics
- Development economics
- Agricultural economics
- Foreign Direct investment
Phone: +252 61 5711745
Email: Farhanhabiib15@gmail.com
Website: https://feco.simad.edu.so/staff-members/farhan-habib-ali/