Farhia Dini is one of the Class of 2020 graduates. With a major in Statistics and Planning, she graduated with not only the first honor in her Faculty but made a new record. Farhia scored the highest GPA ever in SIMAD University’s history.
Apparently, she clearly defines an outstanding student. Farhia was not only excellent at academics, but she had shown strong interest in extra-curricular activities. She was the General Secretary of the 6th SIMAD Student Government, the busiest student body at the University, served as a peer tutor in a variety of courses, participated in the Quran contests among SIMAD students three times, scoring in the top three spots. All of this, while excelling in her courses. Yet there is much more!

During the COVID-19 lockdown, she participated in the stay-at-home challenge by completing 22 courses online from Edx and Coursera. She is also one of the mentees of IITE’s Next Economy Program (TNE), where she has taken Core Life Skills Training and Entrepreneurship Classes. And after the end of the TNE program, Farhia and her friend at IITE established a new academy called Hope Academy. And she works now as the secretary of the Faculty of Economics at SIMAD University.

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